It all begins with an idea.

Ali became President of A-MAX Security in April 2024. With her taking on the company ownership, it keeps A-MAX in the founder's family.

She is one of the only female Presidents of a business of this kind. She"‘s excited to take the lead in a company that she has been a big part of for decades.

I joined A-MAX as the office manager in 2006.  When I first heard about locksmithing I asked Bill what he does to stay busy all day.  Little did I know locksmithing could involve so many different types of security.

If you could choose to have one superpower what would you choose?

I would love to visit places all over the world.  If I could have one superpower it would be teleportation so that I could drop in anywhere easily whenever I had time.

What energizes you outside of work?

Outside of work I enjoy time with my husband watching our 4 children playing sports, camping, or just curling up and reading a book.

Dogs or Cats?

Without a doubt, I am a dog person.  We have an Australian terrier and a Labradoodle.

What helps when you're having a bad day?

Cranking up the music and singing off key.

Do you have a favorite quote?

“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” – Dr. Suess