Gannon Smith- Locksmith and Safe Technician

I became a Locksmith in the year 2019 and I was lucky to get to join the crew of A-MAX Security 2020.

 I came to A-MAX Security because I wanted to learn how to be a safe technician opening safes that people could not. In the last four years I have learned a lot and I’ve gotten to help a lot of customers in need. 

Just this year we installed the safe with the Clackamas County Jail that weighed over 7000 pounds and I’m very happy about that job because it went smoothly. The customer is happy. We got to learn a lot of new skills on how to move giant safes!

When I am not at work, you can usually find me in nature, either gold mining or fishing! I was even featured on an episode of gold Rush with Dave Turin.

I look forward to continuing to learn and help the community with A-MAX Security!

  • What’s the biggest challenge you’ve overcome in your life so far?

    I had a heart condition that I was unaware of my entire life until I got it fixed back in 2011

  • What is the most significant accomplishment you’re proud of, and why?

    After years of doing video production, I made it onto a national television show with Discovery Channel

  • What’s the hardest decision you’ve ever had to make?

    So far the hardest decision I've really had to make succeeded with is quitting cigarettes

  • What’s the biggest risk you’ve ever taken, and did it pay off?

    I left the industry that I have been part of for five years to become a Locksmith and I believe it's paid off tenfold! I am now a locksmith and safe technician welder/Fabricator and have begun to specialize in access control security systems

  • What’s something you thought you couldn’t do, but you eventually achieved?

    Picking a lock! And some days I'm still trying to achieve it

  • What’s the happiest moment or accomplishment in your life so far?

    My son being born

  • If you were a vegetable, which one would you be, and why?

    I would be a porcupine mushroom because even though I’m edible most people don’t know that so then I do not get eaten

  • What’s the strangest talent or skill you possess?

    I once made an entire castle around the upper chair lift on Mount Hood

  • If you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?


  • If you could have a conversation with any fictional character, who would it be and why?

    Roger rabbit because I have questions

  • If you were a superhero, what would your special power be, and what would your superhero name be?

    I multiply myself as many times as I wanted and know with every single one of me is doing it every moment. And you can call me, productive because I would be super productive

  • If you could meet any celebrity, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

    Joe Rogan because he’s awesome

  • If you could wake up tomorrow with a new talent or skill, what would you choose?

    Perfect understanding of every mathematically equation and how to solve it

  • Would you rather always speak in rhymes or sing instead of speaking?

    It would be a really fun time if I could only rhyme

  • Would you rather have to sing every time you speak or dance while you walk?

    If you’ve been in the back shop with me long enough, you’ve probably heard me singing about what I am looking for

  • Would you rather have a permanent funny hiccups or uncontrollable laughter?

    Laughter, laughter, laughter, Screw hiccups if there is a devil that was a gift from him